الخميس، 18 أغسطس 2011

لي فوق الوجود رؤىً أغنيها فتحييني

لي فوق الغمام قصيدةٌُ 

يرويها الحبُ وترويني

لي فوق الوجود رؤىً

 أغنيها فتحييني

لي فوق اللغات معانٍ

يبديها العشق و تبديني

في قلب الحبيب حقيقتي 

يتلوها الشوق ويدنيني

لي فوق السماء حبيبةٌ

 من نبض النجم تسقيني

حسن عجمي***

All my sadness turns to joy

All my sadness turns to joy… when I hear your voice. Hassan Ajami

الاثنين، 1 أغسطس 2011

Dreaming Woman

Dreaming Woman

The dreaming woman is the theme of my paintings. A dreaming woman is a dream within a woman and a woman within a dream. The women whom I draw are dreaming of hope. Their eyes are closed, so they can see no evil. Within their dreams they are absolutely free and hoping for a better future. We are trapped in colors determined by how our societies teach us to see and acquire beliefs. Only the closed eyes can liberate us from the prisons of our presupposed assumptions and fears. This is so because a woman's dream is a woman's hopeful life.

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